Suuuuuurp, ah ! Suuuuuurp, ah ! Is what that probably sounds like winter. In winter, we ask for a cup of tea to our mom. And she with her earnest desire starts preparing a cup of tea. She cuts the ginger and chop it, boil the water then adds ginger, sugar,a pinch of salt and the tea powder to it. And after drinking such a marvelous tea we say ah! Once I curiously look on the cup of tea, I founded some morsel of pepper floating on the top and the pieces of ginger and tea powder crumbs at the bottom. They reflected my life . The ginger for me was the aim or dream of our life and we can see the sacrifices as the chopped ginger but the taste of ginger remains same. After a magnifying a little, I discovered the crumbs of tea powder as the foundation on the basis of our dream. Then, Of course I tasted a little & founded the obstacles and solutions of our life as sugar and salt's taste in the cup of tea. Then the morsel of adding detailing to our life ...